Common Name: Zig-zag plant, Redbird Flower, Buck Thorn, Jacob’s ladder
Botanical Name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides/ Euphorbia tithymaloides
Other names: Devil’s Backbone
Origin: Tropical America
What's special?
Devil's backbone is a joyful plant named after its fascinating pattern of stems. As the plant grows vertical, it creates a dramatic pattern of numerous stems holding little lush green leaves. Due to this interesting foliage, the plant has earned many exciting folk names including zig-zag plant, Christmas candle, fiddle flower, Persian lady slipper, Jacob's ladder, red bird flower, and Japanese poinsettia. It is interesting to note that Devil’s backbone is a succulent having resistant to hot temperatures & droughts. So, even if you forget to water it for few days, it will stand tall with its greenery. This easy growing, air-purifying houseplant having the quality to look great with any background color, will certainly be an interesting addition to your décor.
Growth Habits: Up to 6 feet long
Soil Requirement: well drained Coco peat
Watering Schedule: Thrice a week
Light condition: Full or partial sunlight
Ideal Temperature: Anywhere between 15 - 30 degree Celsius
Repotting instructions: Be very careful with the roots while repotting. You should repot this plant every three years by replacing the potting mix and providing a bigger container to the plant if required.
Suitable Locations: Locations like gardens, sunny balcony, landscape places, properties, etc.
Maintenance: Low
Caring Tips:• Do no put or sprinkle water on leaves of this plant as it may cause damage. • Give water to this plant at regular intervals. Just avoid overwatering as it will cause rotting. Morning between 8 to 10 is the best time for watering. • This plant loves sunny locations or places where it can get a lot of indirect sunlight. But try to keep it away from bright scorch summer heat and strictly avoid dark corners or areas as this might impede growth. • Best to keep this plant away from the reach of your children and pets as some parts of this plant are toxic.