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Caladium Mix

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Rs. 370.00
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Common Name: Caladium Bulbs, Fancy leaf mix, Spring flower bulbs, Angels Wings, Heart of Jesus

Botanical Name: Caladium Mix

Other names: Caladium Bulbs Mix or Caladium Mix

Origin: Peru, Amazon basin (Brazil)

What's special?

 If there is one plant that every home should have – it is Caladium Mix. This plant is vibrant, unique, and super easy to care & maintain. You will surely need a lot of time & patience to understand this tropical beauty. It has various groups of arrow-shaped leaves having a spectrum of colors – red, pink, green, white. Each group with its own unique pattern. No wonder it is grown specifically for its ornamental foliage. With long seasons of color, Caladium Mix will add a completely different, never seen before type of personality to your home’s décor.

Growth Habits: Up to 6 - 12 inches high

Soil Requirement: Loamy well drained

Watering Schedule: Twice a week

Light condition: Full or partial sunlight for 4 – 6 hours a day

Ideal Temperature: Anywhere between 16 - 32 degree Celsius

Repotting instructions: This plant hardly needs any repotting but whenever required you can easily repot the plant with fresh soil or large container having proper drainage.

Suitable Locations: Shaded places like Balcony, windowsill, gardens, etc.

Maintenance: Low

Caring Tips:

 • Always place the plant where the drainage is good and there are no chances of waterlogging. The roots hate too much of water. • Keep this plant at a place where the leaves are protected from strong wind as the large leaves are prone to damage. • While repotting, always take a pot which is slightly bigger than what you feel is required for the plant to accommodate its future growth. • When the plant in placed indoor, keep refreshing the top layer of the soil with organic fertilizer once every 3 to 4 months. As a good soil mix is the only source of nutrients when the plant is set in an indoor environment.