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Cordyline Rumba

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Rs. 370.00
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Common Name: Rumba Ti Plant, Good-Luck Plant, Palm lily

Botanical Name: Cordyline Fruticosa Rumba

Other names: Cordyline Rumba

Origin: Australia, Papua New Guinea, Tropical South East Asia

What's special?

 Cordyline Rumba is an excellent pot plant that provides the most beautiful pigmentation experience. The large burgundy leaves having pink margins, supported by a strong central stem – showcases a wonderful foliage. This tropical plant requires high humidity and some level of bright light to intensify the colors but other than that this plant is easy to grow, has a sturdy structure and on top of that it keeps the surrounding air clean by filtering airborne toxins. Add Cordyline Rumba to your plant collection and enjoy an upright effortless structure with year-round color, whatever the season.

Growth Habits: Up to 3 – 4 meters high

Soil Requirement: Moist well drained soil

Watering Schedule:Thrice a week

Light condition: 4 – 5 hours of bright indirect sunlight

Ideal Temperature: Anywhere between 16 - 32 degree Celsius

Repotting instructions: While repotting always choose a sturdy container for this plant as they are top-heavy.

Suitable Locations: Places where this plant can receive bright light like near windows, study room or living room, well-lit kitchen, balcony, garden area, etc.

Maintenance: Low

Caring Tips:

 • Place this plant in pots with good draining system otherwise the roots will start rotting. • You will need to water this plant daily but make sure that you do not overwater it. • If the leaves are getting dry & dull, it is an indication that the plant needs some fertilizer with good nutritional value. • Though this plant grows well in full sun, try to find a sheltered spot if you are planning to keep it outdoor during the summer months. • Keep this plant away from the reach of your pets as the leaves are highly toxic & can cause harm, if ingested, by animals.