Common Name: Money Plant ‘Marble Queen’, Golden Pothos
Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum Marble queen
Other names: Marble Queen Pothos
Origin: French Polynesia
What's special?
Marble Queen Pothos – from the family of money plants – is an attractive climbing plant which can be kept indoor as well as outdoor. Its heart-shaped leaves, having green & yellow color combination, will brighten up any spot at once. According to various Indian & Chinese traditions, this plant is known to improve financial well-being, enhance positivity & bring good luck to the area. But apart from its traditional significance, this beautiful hanging plant, due to its fast growth & dense structure, is recommended by many gardeners, as it keeps the air clean by removing harmful toxins from the surrounding.
Growth Habits: Money Plant ‘Marble Queen’, Golden Pothos
Soil Requirement: Loamy well drained soil with cocopeat
Watering Schedule: Daily
Light condition: bright indirect sunlight or partial shade
Ideal Temperature: Anywhere between 18 - 30 degree Celsius
Repotting instructions: Do not repot the plant for a minimum of 2 weeks after receiving it. Once you see the plant growing well, you can repot it in a slightly larger container.
Suitable Locations: Try to keep this plant at indoor locations like Office desk, bedroom, Balcony, windowsill, or wherever it can get some sunlight and support for its long steams.
Maintenance: Low
Caring Tips:
• This plant grows extremely fast, and branches can spread to any directions. You will need to trim this plant regularly if you have to control its growth. • Too much heat can damage the leaves of this plant. So, try to keep it at a place where it can receive indirect sunlight. • As a simple rule, watering must be done regularly in the summer and should be reduced during winter and rainy season. • Keep a track of dead, infected or damaged plant parts. Discard them whenever required. • You can tie the stems or use ropes or wires to support the growth of the plant.